Colonoscopy examination requires a bowel prep prior to the procedure. It’s very important to have a clean colon, without retained stool, to ensure the best examination results. By the end of your bowel prep your stool should be liquid, either clear or yellow in color. If your stool remains brown at the end of your prep there will be decreased visualization of your colon, and your exam may need to be rescheduled.
We ask that you avoid traveling out of town for 2 days after your colonoscopy.
Read and follow the instructions below and download a PDF checklist.

Please see the Special Instructions at the end of the “Steps for Colonoscopy Prep” if you have any of the following conditions or use any of the medications or devices:
- GLP-1 Medication (such as Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro, or like medications)
- Heart Defibrillators or Central Venous Access Device
- Blood Thinners (examples include Coumadin, Plavix, Eliquis, Xarelto, etc.)
- Diabetes
If you have been instructed by your provider to follow an extended prep, please select the prep document your provider indicated below and follow those directions instead of the Prep Checklist above or the directions on this webpage. If you have any questions, please call our office.
Steps for Colonoscopy Prep
7 Days Prior to Your Colonoscopy
- Pick up the bowel prep prescription we sent in for you from your preferred pharmacy.
- If you have not received a message that your prescription is ready for pick-up, call our office immediately.
- Purchase anti-gas tablets and over-the-counter laxative (Bisacodyl) tablets.
- Examples of anti-gas tablets include Gas-X or generic simethicone.
- Make arrangements for a responsible adult driver for your procedure who will be present from arrival to departure and drive you home.
- We require a responsible adult driver. If your driver cannot be confirmed when you arrive, we will NOT provide sedation and your procedure may be rescheduled. Taxi or Uber transportation will NOT be accepted for safety. The expected duration from check-in is 2-3 hours.
- Stop eating raw vegetables, lettuce, nuts, red liquids, and foods containing small seeds or corn.
Stop taking iron (including multivitamins containing iron) and fiber supplements (Metamucil, Benefiber, Fibersure, etc.).

Add reminders or alarms on your cell phone to help remember each step throughout your bowel preparation.

Remember, millions of Americans undergo colonoscopy every year. YOU CAN DO THIS!
The Day Prior to Your Colonoscopy
- Have only clear liquids all day!
- Examples of clear liquids include water, chicken broth, apple or white grape juice, sport drinks, popsicles, Jell-O, coffee, tea, and soft drinks. Please avoid red liquids. See more examples in the FAQ below.
- Confirm your responsible adult driver for procedure day.
- If using Golytely, Nulytely, Trilyte, GaviLyte, or any other 4 liter PEG solution; mix all of the solution with water per product instructions and place in refrigerator.
- 4:00PM – Take 2 over-the-counter laxative (Bisacodyl) tablets.
- 5:00PM – Begin “Step 1” of prescribed bowel preparation instructions.
- Please find your specific bowel preparation product below under Bowel Preparation Instructions by Specific Product and follow the instructions for “Step 1” instead of the instructions on the package.
- 9:00PM – Take 2 anti-gas tablets.
- Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!
- Keep drinking water and clear liquids all day.

Use hard candies to suck on during your bowel preparation.

Use a straw when consuming your bowel preparation.

If you become nauseated or feel chilled during your bowel prep, stop the prep for at least 30 minutes before resuming.
Day of Your Colonoscopy
- DO NOT use pain medication, marijuana, antacids (Maalox, Pepto Bismol, Mylanta, etc.), or creamer in your coffee.
- Continue to hydrate!
- 4-5 hours before arrival time depending on your prep – Begin “Step 2” of prescribed bowel prep.
- Remember! You will need to complete your bowel prep 2 hours prior to your arrival time. Please find your specific bowel preparation product below under Bowel Preparation Instructions by Specific Product and follow the instructions for “Step 2” instead of the instructions on the package.
- 3-4 hours before arrival time – Take 2 anti-gas tablets.
- 2 hours before arrival time – Take any regularly scheduled medications with only sips of water.
- 2 hours before arrival time – STOP drinking water and clear liquids. DO NOT have anything by mouth prior to your arrival time. DO NOT chew gum, have hard candy, have lozenges, or drink water. Your procedure will be delayed or cancelled if you eat or drink anything less than 2 hours from your arrival time.
- 1 hour before procedure time – Arrive at procedure location! Bring your insurance cards and photo ID. Leave valuables, watches, and jewelry at home. DO NOT wear contact lenses, they will need to be removed.

Your stool should be liquid, either clear or yellow in color, after completing your bowel preparation.
Special Instructions for Patients to Which the Following Applies
GLP-1 Medication (such as Ozempic, Wegovy, Mounjaro, or like medications)
DO NOT take your medication 7 days prior to the scheduled appointment. Call our office if the appointment is prior to the 7 days.
Heart Defibrillators or Central Venous Access Device
Please call our office immediately to inform the staff if you have a heart defibrillator or central venous access device. If so, your procedure will need to be scheduled in a hospital setting.
Blood Thinners (examples include Coumadin, Plavix, Eliquis, Xarelto, etc.)
We do NOT routinely stop these medications before colonoscopy examination. In most cases, removal of small polyps and biopsies can be safely done while taking blood thinners. Your colonoscopy examination may need to be repeated if a large polyp is found while taking blood thinners.
Please call your primary care doctor to inform them that you are having a colonoscopy examination and ask for instructions if your diabetic medication doses need to be adjusted during your colonoscopy examination preparation and procedure day. Remember to check your blood sugars frequently throughout the day before your colonoscopy procedure and on the day of your colonoscopy procedure.
Colonoscopy Prep FAQs
Our aim is to have your procedure start at the procedure time, which means you need to be fully prepared by that time. There are several things that need done before your procedure starts including checking-in, signing consent forms, if applicable taking a pregnancy test, changing clothes, starting the IV, and more. Arriving an hour early helps your procedure start on-time and for you to feel comfortable.
Your colon needs to be clean to ensure the best examination results, during which polyps and cancerous growths may be able to be detected and removed.
Examples of clear liquids include water, sport drinks, lemonade, tea, coffee, popsicles, chicken broth, soft drinks, jello, apple juice, and white grape juice.
Please avoid red liquids. Liquids that are not considered clear are red sports drinks, red popsicles, grape juice, orange juice, red jello, and yogurt.
Bowel Preparation Instructions by Specific Product
Please find your specific bowel preparation product from the list below and follow these instructions instead of the instructions on the package. Remember! You will need to complete your bowel prep 2 hours prior to your arrival time.
Call our office during regular business hours (8:00am to 4:30pm) at 614-754-5500.
Golytely, Nulytely, Trilyte, GaviLyte, or any other 4 liter PEG solution
Step 1: At 5:00pm – Drink one 8oz glass of the prep solution every 15 minutes and stop once you have finished half of the bottle (2 liters). Place remainder prep in refrigerator for the next morning.
Step 2: 4 hours before arrival time – Drink one 8oz glass of the prep solution every 15 minutes until prep is complete.
Moviprep 2 liter PEG solution
Step 1: At 5:00pm – Mix the first half of the prep solution with water per product instructions. The Moviprep container is divided by 4 marks. Drink the prep solution down to the next mark every 15 minutes until the full 1-liter container is complete.
Step 2: 4 hours before arrival time – Repeat all of “Step 1” with the second half of prep solution.
Suprep or Plenvu
Step 1: At 5:00pm – Mix the first half of the prep solution with water per product instructions. Drink the entire 16oz container of prep solution. Over the next 1 hour, drink 2 more 16oz cups of water.
Step 2: 4 hours before arrival time – Repeat all of “Step 1” with the second half of prep solution.
This prep must be approved by your procedure physician. DO NOT use if you have Congestive Heart Failure or kidney disease. DO NOT dilute, refrigerate, or freeze this prep.
Step 1: Between 5:00PM – 9:00PM – Drink all of 1 of the 2 bottles. Follow with 5 or more 8oz cups of clear liquid. Finish additional liquids over the next 5 hours.
Step 2: 5 hours before arrival time – Drink entire second bottle. Follow with 4 or more 8oz cups of clear liquid.
This prep must be approved by your procedure physician.
Step 1: At 5:00PM – Open one bottle of 12 tablets. Fill the provided cup with water to the 16oz fill line. Swallow each tablet with a sip of water. Finish the remaining water over the next 15-20 minutes. 1 hour after the last tablet is ingested – Drink a second 16oz container of water. 30 minutes after finishing the second container of water – Drink a third 16oz container of water.
Step 2: 5 hours before arrival time – Repeat all of “Step 1” with the other bottle of 12 tablets.
If nausea, bloating, or abdominal cramping occurs, pause or slow down the rate of drinking the solution and additional water until the symptoms diminish.
Step 1: 5:00PM – Mix the first bottle of prep solution with water per product instructions. Drink 8 ounces of solution every 15 minutes until the bottle is empty. Drink an additional 16 ounces of water during the evening.
Step 2: 5 hours prior to the colonoscopy, but no sooner than 4 hours from starting dose – Repeat all of “Step 1” with the second dose.